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- Pages: 85
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- Chapters: 1-5
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Health Psychology
Teachers increasingly face many challenges in a wide range of areas, mainly in those related to their students’ behavioural problems and psychological well-being. Evidence shows that teachers can effectively assist students at risk or with difficulties, when they are adequately guided and supported by well-trained school counsellors. Hence, the need for more holistic and systemic school-based interventions for children at risk and their families, as well as specialized assistance for teachers is advocated by many authors. Focusing on the role of teachers in promoting the social-emotional health of pupils at risk, the authors present the key components of an innovative counselling intervention within school context that focuses on enabling teachers being more resilient and more confident in order to better deal with cases of “difficult” students. The model integrates elements of systemic, psychodynamic and resilience based thinking with a strong emphasis on “inclusive education” issues. The authors describe the key theoretical background and the various aspects of this model, discussing the challenges of its implementation. They finally propose that in order to be effective, such models should emphasize the collaborative, dialectical, and systemic aspects of the counselling process with teachers. The final conclusion is that school counsellors have a critical role to play in supporting teachers helping their “difficult” pupils avoid school exclusion and develop further mental health problems.Health Psychology
Counselling practices that are child- and family-centered and that take also into consideration the needs of the educational staff for emotional support and professional guidance seem to be the most effective in responding to children’s problems. Disruptive or challenging behaviours, developmental disorders, learning difficulties, bullying and school violence are among the wide range of students’ problems and challenges teachers are dealing within the contemporary educational context. The percentage of children requiring counselling support and intervention within schools varies (from 3 to 25%) depending on the severity and persistence of the difficulty or the challenging behaviour .Health Psychology
Many studies and clinical reports have shown that students’ developmental disorders and externalizing problems increase teachers’ stress and “confusion”, reducing their professional competence and jeopardizing the teacher-child relationship which is a critical factor in children’s at risk psychosocial development