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- Pages: 89
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- Chapters: 1-5
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This project work is aimed at investigating the electronic learning system for educational institution using National Institute of Information Technology (NIIT) Benin City as a case study. The study will also find possible solutions to the problems. This study focuses on the relevance of electronic learning to educational development, and it also gives a prototype design for any institution that wish to adopt the online educational learning system. Education, according to the Oxford Advance Learners’ Dictionary, is the process of teaching, training and learning to improve knowledge and develop skills. It is a known fact that education is the main catalyst to any country’s development or growth. Questionnaire was the major instrument used to collect data from the respondents from National Institute of Information Technology (NIIT) Benin City. The data collected were converted into percentage and were arranged in tabular form. The research also went ahead to make recommendations to help solve the problems of electronic learning system for educational institutions.
Background of the study
Statement of problem
Purpose of study
Significance of study
Scope of study
Research questions
Limitation of study
Definition of terms
Literature review
E-learning stakeholders
The learners’ (students) perspective
Developer’s perspective
Managers’/administrative perspective
Instructors’ perspective
Disadvantages of the computerized system
Method for system design
System flowchart
The use of files
E-learning software in use
Program design
Hardware and requirement
Software requirement
The main program
Pseudo codes
Detailed program description
Recommendation and implementation
Summary of findings
There has been much technology dawn in the last 50 years during which desktop computer and the internet have been developed. There has been a similar dawn throughout the 20th century film, broadcast television, audiotape, and radio record video programmed learning machines, etc,. Each time enthusiast has announced that the transformation or even the bulk of teaching and learning has been minimal. Development in paper/printing technologies have had for more influenced, with the consequence that face to face discussion and paper resources will dominate public education. Audio-visual media have been treated more as an icing on the cake than as something at the very heart of learning and likewise their long suffering support service through the new media particularly video have fared some what better In the development of media that can promote improved learning (Kozma R. B. 1994).Electronic Learning
Technological innovations always tend to create benefits and pitfalls. Cellular phone put users in touch with Kin’s clients and colleagues but they disrupt work and contribute to unsafe during habits. As for E-learning, on the upside, it can enhance the bottom line by making an organization more productive, saving money and providing more learning access to more education on the downside E-learning may reduce personal contact between instructions and learners among the learners themselves, sometimes many learners higher value. This may lead to high dropout rates, which is a warning of the potential pitfalls of E-learning. This project will help us review both sides and suggest ways to avoid E-learning pitfalls and reap its benefits. The central focus of E-learning for traditional learning is to acquire knowledge in the best way.Electronic Learning
The research would enable us get a better glimpse of E-learning concept, which is far more different from instructing a training course. Foremost of all, E-learning is about learning, the learners’ needs and the attitude of the learner. The question this research desires to answer include: how can E-learning be fully and well implemented into our educational system which will help it gain extensive acceptance in terms of creating an alternative to brick and mortar teaching environment. Moreover, it is imperative to note that the resource of the internet has not been fully utilized, which includes the education especially in helping us get benefit of learning over the internet. This and many more will be included in this research in order to help us execute E-learning project in most of our educational institutions nationwide, extending traditional classroom facilities to virtual classes worldwide.Electronic Learning
Based on the statement of problems highlighted above the study shall provide answers to this questions.
1. How can E-learning promote effective teaching and earning in our educational institutions?
2. What effect can E-learning system have on educational system in Nigeria?
There is already recognized fact that the need for educational experience is rapidly growing. However one major impact of the internet is the neatly packaged target market. Passion for and uses of learning grow in a way that has little to do with demographic. Therefore the flexibility provided by education becomes especially important and the new meaning of access to education is quite individualized, that is enabling individuals make their decision regarding their private and public lives generally. Students appreciate the convenience, choice and flexibility that online courses offer. This study also aims at describing a web-based learning flexibility and cost effectiveness as contrast to classroom learning but it can also be colossal waste of time and money if not implemented correctly. One of the problems of E-learning is the cost of maintaining the software as the National Institute of Information Technology (NIIT) are finding ways to bring three benefits of the classroom into a distance leaving setting like the Microsoft Certified Engineer Examination.Electronic Learning
Throughout this project, the keyboards and phrases of E-learning, distance learning, distributed learning, web-based, distance education, learners centred programs and online learning are used as interchangeable terms, moreover, the study seek to throw more light on the operational infrastructure of creating a more effective, efficient and accessible learning teaching environment, which is critical to web-based learning/teaching success. More often these elements are over-looked or seen as incident to the design and quality of the learning materials themselves. The key success factor of teaching/learning is oriented towards generating students who will become autonomous. Educational process means, the ability to learn. So the self learners use the media in order to get support of the internet in quality. The misconception that delivering online causes/diminished the personal connection between students and teachers, which on the contrary, present a new universe opportunities and possibilities for creating individualized, highly effective environment that enhance and personalized the learning experience. The advantage of online learning out weight the disadvantages for both the learner and the teacher.Electronic Learning
The importance of this study is to bring to the knowledge of the general public the effect of E-learning system in Nigeria educational institution. The study will also be useful to our educational system on how the E-learning system can be used to create an alternative to the brick and mortar teaching environment in Nigeria. The study will also help us to gain useful knowledge on how internet can be fully beneficial in Nigeria learning environment.Electronic Learning
The study seeks to cover issues surrounding the E-learning concept and questions which enthusiast seek to understand within the project scope. Areas such as return on investment (ROI) issue factors to optimize the teaching/learning environment. Anatomy of online course, prepare an instruction for online exams, challenges reward and risk, technology needed for a successful online programs and questions worth asking. The major areas would ensure that all necessary facts regarding online education are tentatively discussed so as to make the interest of this project worth while and an asset to anyone/institution seeking to becoming a part of the E-learning community and making such a person or society a citizen of the internet (NETIZEN).Electronic Learning
Administrator: An E-learning education institute manager.
Courses: Subjects under any field of study.
Developer: Software application designer especially related to E-learning application programs or packages.Electronic Learning
Electronic learning (E-learning): Virtual classroom, web-based education, distant learning education and online education are the key terms that are used interchangeably. They all mean getting an education on the internet by attending net-classes.Electronic Learning
Flexibility: Ability for online education to be independent of learners offline activities.
Face-to-face: The physical presence of an instructor with the learners (students)
Institution: An organized environment having the ability to disseminate knowledge for intending/interested participant.
Instructor: An online teacher.Electronic Learning
Interactivity: Ability for an instructor and learner to communicate effectively.Electronic Learning
Learner: An online student.
Learning: Act and process of developing skills or knowledge.Electronic Learning
Net meeting: Online discussion group forum.Electronic Learning
Online: Getting a computer connected to communicate with other persons connected on the same network.Electronic Learning
Pedagogy: Online teaching patterns
Teaching: Learning the best way to communicate knowledge and problem solving techniques.Electronic Learning
Traditional education: Having an education in the four walls of a school or classroom.Electronic Learning