- Format: Ms Word Document
- Pages: N/A
- Price: DOC/APP: N 5,000
- Chapters: 1-5
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The aim of this project is to develop a database for indigenes of rivers state that are above 60 years of age which will in turn help the government to conduct a free, adequate and sumptuous medical care for them. To replace the current inefficient manual system which include forecasting and approximation; To ensure credibility in free medical service for the old age through adequate database management system in the state; To help the rivers state government provide a free medical services for the people within the age of 60 and above through an error free database. The method of data collection for this study was interview method; this was done between the researcher and the Health officials. System of conducting indigenes registration was gathered from them and a well documented procedure for registration was ascertained. A search on online indigenes registration system was also carried out and a lot of information concerning the system in question was obtained. Some forms that are necessary and available were assessed. Also Internet downloads was made to obtain some text materials. At the end of this project work, I was able to design and develop software that can successfully handle an ICT assisted database for budgeting free medical care for indigenes of rivers state within the age of sixty years and above. This work also will serve as an aid for people who wish to research more on this topic. Other benefits are: Provision of facility for handling text electronically using powerful and sophisticated word processors to produce elegant and error free documents; In addition to storing the data, direct data capture was implemented. The systematic approaches used during each phase of the software development provide a clear insight that would be of immense help to anyone carrying out research works in this area.
File size:1.8 MB
Programming Language: BASIC (For Other Programming Languages Click Here)
Programming Environment: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
Software Requirement: Visual BAsic