Assessing the spatial distribution and locational impact of petrol service stations on uvwie lga delta
- Format: Ms Word Document
- Pages: 86
- Price: N 3,000
- Chapters: 1-5
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petrol service stations: This project examines the locational impact of petrol stations in Uvwie local government area. Primary data was collected using questionnaire and secondary data was collected from Ikonos digital imagery of Warri metropolitan area, 50 petrol stations were analyzed and questions administered to the respondents regarding to the locational impact of the petrol stations in the study area. The study result reveals, that the establishment and location of these petrol stations in various parts of the study area is going on without due regard to planning criteria, safety and without considering the environment. Petrol stations in the area are built with little or no compliance to planning regulation and standards; these therefore remain a source of concern to all. There is a need therefore for plans and actions to tackle the situation for today and the future. Suggestions were made so that any change introduced into the environment should not facilitate its destruction and consequently hazardous to human.