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McGregor sees all communication as a major factor in influencing others
Communication may possibly be described as an approach of getting information across with understanding existing between the sender and the receiver. On the other hand it could be a means by which behaviour is tailored, change is affected, and information is made productive in order to achieve objectives and goals of organizations (Monday, 2008).
The expression communication has a well-off and multifaceted history. Initially, it come into view in English language as of fourteen century, originated from the Latin word communication which means to impact, share or make common. In more convincing, Bateman (2002), defined communication as the transmission of information and meaning from one party to another through the use of shared symbol. It is accepted that communication plays a coordinal and integrating role in the administration of the affairs of any organization whether in the purpose of planning, organizing, staffing, leading or controlling. Communication is one of the chief parts for understanding human behavior, Rami (2000). Communication is an indispensable instrument for management, which is used to carry the whole organization as a single being.
Communication undoubtedly is applied to all stage of managing. It is specifically important in the function of leading. Communication is serious for all echelon of human behavior man’s ability to think and pass on the thought through the communication process, provides the requisite element for social interaction. The relation success or breakdown of human effort depend to a immense extent upon the effectiveness of communication.
Communication involves different forms which includes the intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, public, mass communication etc all these are different ways/means through which we interact, associate, communicate, relate, share ideas, views, opinion, information, norms and values with ourselves and others. Communication is regarded as the life blood of human existence which rapidly enhances unity that leads to the development of our society at large.
Communication both modern and Traditional means has promoted peaceful co-existence, understanding and self-awareness among human beings. Both modern and traditional means of communication have certain common elements that together help define the communication process. These elements includes the following people. In communication there must be individuals who are involved in the dissemination of the message and at the same time receiving the message inorder to make it lively and effective. In communication things are done simultaneously (sending and receiving] if we were just receivers, we would be no more than receptacles for signals from others, never having an opportunity to let anyone know how we were being affected, if we were just senders, we would simply emit signals without ever stopping to consider whom, if anyone is being affected. But, if we were able to achieve our goals of communicating it simply signifies that there is an effective communication between the sender and the receiver at the same level.
1.2 Statement of the problem
The background of communication also include the statement of the communication problem i.e communication is a two way traffic that is information is not only from the sender. It also emanates from sender to leaders in a society. Communication does not only between community but information could also be passed horizontally, for instance within institution from one unity in the community to another. From the foregoing, it could be discovered that poor communication be a community may lead to conflict.