The Role Of Rural Women Farmers In Economic Development: A Case Study Of Ovia North East Local Government Area, Edo State
The role of rural women farmers in the economic development of Ovia North East Local Government Area in Edo State cannot be over emphasized. There is basically no aspect of economic development in Edo State that one cannot find women. A review of feminist literature, indicate that there is now a demand for re-orientation of research and change in methodological procedures used for complication of national statistics so as to reflect accurately the position of women and their labour in the national economy in general and Edo State in particular. On the realization of the role women play in our daily life, it is therefore necessary to identify the role as a point of reference. It is on this basic aim prompted as a research to go into the findings. The objective of this project work therefore is to highlight the role of rural women farmers in Ovia North East Local Government Area of Edo State with a view to identifying attendant problem and indicating necessary recommendation. Attention is focused on the rural women farmers in the economic activities through agricultural, strategies are indicated for using women as a catalyst for employment generation and for solving Ovia North East Local Government Area food agriculture and economic development problem. Women need to be encouraged to broaden their base and increase their scale of operation particularly in agro industries and through self employment. They need to learn to mobilize saving rotary credit scheme in order to be affected throughout cooperatives and other association or through small enterprises development programme.
Background of the study
Purpose of the study
Statement of problem
Scope of study and limitations
Organization of work
Literature review
Women in agriculture
Women in the informal sector
Women with formal sector
Development strategy
A review of previous studies
Population size
Sample size
Instrument of data collection
Data analysis and interpretation
Data interpretation
Interpretation of results
Summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations
Summary of findings
Women in Ovia North East Local Government Area in Edo State inspite of their daily roles to improve the existing standard are being looked down upon by their male counterpart as playing the second fiddle. A review of feminist literature indicates that there is now a demand for re-orientation of research and changes in methodological procedures used for complication of national income. There are at least three stands to this firstly; there is the issue that a considerable portion of women’s labour is not reflection in Ovia North East Local Government statistics. This is a phenomenon due to the fact that the labour of the house wife is not traded and valued at market prices.
Secondly, there is the formal versus informal sector issue. On a worldwide basis, but more so in the developing countries of the world women constitute the greater percentage of the informal sector labour forces. Thirdly, there is the rural-urban dichotomy more than not; women are left behind when there is male migration from rural to urban areas. These three issues are mutually self explanatory as women get left behind in the rural areas. They have limited opportunities for self improvement. They are therefore suitable mainly informal sector employment. Their labour as house wives, house maids etc is not accurately affected in nation statistics. Another relevant issue is that where women are in selection for religions or social reasons, enumerators who are more often men cannot meet the women to accurately appraise their labour input.
The basic premise of this essay is that the non involvement or marginalization of women in development programmes is wasteful and impedes effective economic development. Its effect is similar to inadequate use of factor of production in agriculture which means that the production possibilities curve is lower than it should be on the basis of this premise, the problem associated with the involvement of women in the economic development of Edo State and strategies of solving these problems are discussed.
The objective of this paper is therefore to highlight the role of women in economic development of Ovia North East Local Government Area in Edo State with view to identifying attendant problem and suggesting possible solution.
It is hoped that this study will be useful in selecting appropriate rural women in Ovia North East Local Government Area. it is also hoped that it will help the rural women in producing and advertising their products.
Finally, it is my hope that the project work will justify the economic investment in rural women in Ovia North East Local Government Area.
- Does transportation problem put a serious problem in the rural women farmers?
- Is inadequate finance a problem to rural women farmers?
- Does diseases outbreak affects their products?
- Does bad road affect rural women farmers?
- Does an inadequate material affect their product?
The study focuses on economic development of rural women farmers in Ovia North East Local Government Area of Edo State. Edo State is made up of local government area. As a result of time and financial constrains book on social studies and geography of Edo State which relate to economic contribution of women in Edo State are consulted. Questionnaires are written, to take a random sampling of economic contribution of women in Ovia North East Local Government Area in Edo State.
Economic – of economics or the economy and profit.
Development – become or make large, more manure or more advanced.
Rural – of in or life the country side.
Marginalization – cause to feel less important
Programme – A planned series of events.
Outbreak: A sudden or violent occurrence of war, disease etc.
Inadequate – not enough or not good enough.