This Research Work is on
Impact Of Internet Technology On Journalism Practice In Nigeria (A Study Of African Independent Television, (AIT) Lagos
Title Page
Approval Page
Table of content
Chapter 1
1:1 Introduction
1:2 Background of the Study
1:3 Statements of Problems
1:4 Objectives of the Study
1:5 Research Question
1:6 Study of the Hypothesis
1:7 Significance of the Study
1:8 Justification of the Study
1:9 Scope of the Study
1:10 Definition of Terms
Chapter 2
Literature Review
2:0 Introduction
2:1 Conceptual Clarification
2:2 Theoretical Framework
2:3 Literatures on the Subject Matter
Chapter 3
Research Methodology
3:0 Area of Study
3:1 Source of Data
3:2 Sampling Techniques
3:3 Method Data Collection
3:4 Method of Data Analysis
3:5 Reliability of Instrument
3:6 Validity of Instrument
3:7 Limitations of the Study
Chapter 4
Data Analysis
4:0 Introduction
4:1 Finding of the Study
4:2 Discussion of the Study
4:3 Summary
Chapter 5
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
5:0 Summary of Findings
5:1 Conclusion
5:2 Recommendations
5:3 Proposal for Further Studies
Journalism refers to the production and distribution of reports on recent events. The word journalism applies to the occupation (professional or not), the methods of gathering information and organising literary styles. Journalistic mediums include print, television, radio, Internet and in the past: newsreels.
Concepts of the appropriate role for journalism vary between countries. In some nations, the news media is controlled by a government intervention, and is not a fully independent body. In others, the news media is independent of the government but the profit motive is in tension with constitutional protections of freedom of the press. Access to freely available information gathered by independent and competing journalistic enterprises with transparent editorial standards can enable citizens to effectively participate in the political process. In the United States, journalism is protected by the freedom of the press clause in the First Amendment.
The role and status of journalism as well as mass media, has undergone changes over the last two decades, together with the advancement of digital technology and publication of news on the Internet. This has created a shift in the consumption of print media channels, as people increasingly consume news through e-readers, smartphones, and other electronic devices. News organizations are challenged to fully monetize their digital wing, as well as improvise on the context in which they publish news in print. Newspapers have seen print revenues sink at a faster pace than the rate of growth for digital revenues. Notably, in the American media landscape, newsrooms have reduced their staff and coverage as traditional media channels, such as television, grapple with declining audiences. For example, between 2007 and 2012, CNN edited its story packages into nearly half of their original time length.