- Format: Ms Word Document
- Pages: 89
- Price: N 3,000
- Chapters: 1-5
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From the research project which its topic is “a survey of causes and modes of exploitation of students by teachers in college of education ekiadolor”. Responses were gotten from 200 students collected randomly from various departments in the college. The instrument used in the study is questionnaires, which was distributed to the students to answer. The responses from the questionnaires were collected and computed into tables in percentage scores. The result of the findings shows that students are really exploited by teachers in many ways. Moreso, this exploitation of students by teachers has created some anxiety and frustration in the students and has lead them to all sorts of atrocities including prostitution. The researcher therefore recommended that the teacher should be paid their salary when due and expected. The school should also be adequately funded by the government. Finally, the teachers should act as a caretaker to their students.
Chapter One
Background of the study
Statement of problems
Purpose of study
Research question
Limitations of study
Chapter Two
Literature review
Sexual exploitation
Physical exploitation
Factors leading to the different mode of exploitation of students by teachers
- Irregular payment of teacher’s salaries. ‘
- Inadequate funding of institutions.
- The mode of female dressing
- Mismanagement of funds.
Consequences of the different modes of exploitation of students
- Failure of the students
- Promiscuity in the female students
- Uncomfortably of the students
Chapter Three
Research methodology
Area of study
Design of study
Population of the study
Population of the study
Instrument for data collection
Administration of the instrument
Method of data analysis
Chapter Four
Analysis of data and result
Chapter Five
Discussion of findings
Educational implication of study
Suggestions for further studies
Exploitation of students by teachers is not a new phenomenon in our society. In the past, some students have been physically and emotionally exploited. Students are made to work in their teachers farm, carry firewood to their teachers house, fetching water for their teachers etc. nowadays, it is a different thin altogether, the act of selling monographs, and text books has given some bad impression on the lecturers manipulate and exploit the students to make their own money without considering the bad economic situation prevailing in Nigeria now. Again students are been exploited by paying one levy or the other like departmental, levy, test levy etc in the years past, when education was what it suppose to be, students were not being taxed for anything. Text books and handouts were given free of charge but now the reverse has been the case, teachers have turned our schools to become book shops where buying and selling of books are made available and compulsory in the name of money, both in primary and secondary level.
The indigent students that have no money to buy these books are being made to fail the course because of the fact that they could not purchase these books. Teachers also exploit the students through sexual harassment and sorting of result where the students are made to pay either in cash or kind. Students are no longer serious with their studies since they feel that if they are able to meet up with the demands of their teachers they pass. For the fact that this situation of exploitation has been a burden to students in secondary schools and tertiary institutions, parents and guardians who see to the education of their children and relations have little or no left over money with them due to the fact that the money were being taken away by teachers in one way or the other. Money used in the olden days to train three to four people in the university is now spent on one person.
The teachers who have made textbooks and handiwork compulsory in primary schools have created some anxiety and stealing into pupils, while in secondary and higher institutions have created also some anxiety and frustration into the students. I the sense that students are forced to have carryover by some lecturers that made their monographs and text books to be compulsory. These teachers go along way to prevent students from having their continuous assessment thereby making them to have incomplete results. This has created the act of do or die attitude towards students who have been seeking ways of passing their courses. This leads to student’s starvation and also make prostitution and promiscuity to become well pronounced especially in higher institutions. Because of this immoral attitude by teachers, a good number of students have fallen victims of contacting sexual transmitted disease as well as victims of unwanted pregnancy in our higher institutions of learning today. This study seeks to find out the different ways students are exploited by the teachers.
The purpose of this study is to find out the different ways students are exploited by their teachers but in specific terms this study wants to find out:
- Whether textbooks and handout are made compulsory for students by their teachers or lecturers.
- If the teachers make the students to have carryover in those courses.
- If the buying of monographs and textbooks are used as continuous assessment
- How this affect the students especially the female ones in higher institutions.
- If this exploitation by lectures contribute towards female prostitution in higher institutions.
- How this affects the families and to what extent the school authorities had addressed herself to this problems.
The findings of this research may serve as an empirical data which might be useful as a basis for decision making ni matters affecting students exploitation by their lecturers. Results of this study will enlighten the students to put more efforts on their studies and avoid moving for the easy way out of difficulties.
The school administration may find the result of the research beneficial, as it well serve as a guide in creating a good standard and conducive environment for learning, with this findings also it will help and direct the curriculum planners plan well and as well have much learning facilities in the way that the students out reach be more emphasized. The findings will be a device for evaluating the efforts of school authority towards the achievements of good studying environment. The ministry of education may also through this finding be directed to the areas to focus attention to minimize the speed growth of student’s exploitation by their teachers in our various higher institutions of learning. The findings of this research will also serve as a clue to our guidance and counselling in educating our female students patterning the effect of prostitution.
- Do teachers really make their handout and textbooks compulsory?
- Do teachers fail students who do not buy their textbooks or handout?
- Do teachers use textbooks or handout as continuous assessment?
- Does this exploitation of students by teachers have any effect on the students?
- To what extent had exploitation acted as clog in the wheel of the prostitution and starvation of the students?
- To what extent had school authorities addressed herself to the problems of exploitation of students by teachers?
- Do parents feel happy spending money in training their children?
- Is sexual harassment one of the ways of exploiting students by lecturers?
The study will cover the causes and modes of exploitation of students by teacher in Edo State; A case study of college of Education Ekiadolor-Benin.