Design And Implementation Of Computerized Budget Analysis System (Case Study Of Enugu State Ministry Of Finance
Budget Analysis System
Budget being the planning of how to spend revenues and incoming capitals so this makes is necessary to make sure that it is done with extra care. Budgets and the methods of preparing a good one has been a problem to most organization both private and government, the implementation of a faulty budget has brought man companies to a close door point were all operations are stopped. Therefore budget design needs to be accurate and able to give account for every dime spent and on what this money was spent and also give an accurate account and allocation of money to the various departments of the body in study. I will in this work determine how the ministry of finance Enugu State generates its own revenue and hoe they use this money which it generates. It is important that there should be a reliable system of budget analysis for every organization and this method is to be computerized for easy flow of work and generation of accurate reports. Budget Analysis System