- Format: Ms Word Document
- Pages: 72
- Price: N 3,000
- Chapters: 1-5
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Managing conflict is a tool for promoting peaceful co-existence between workers and employers in an organization. This tool is a mean by which improved performance of workers on their jobs is achieved which in turn enhances the general productivity of a organization. Employees within a social entity tend to engage in various activities that develop into disagreement as a result of differences in opinion, interest and behaviour, which negatively or positively affect the attainment of organizational goals and objective. This study is carried out in such a way that the result of the investigation led to how threat of conflict in an organization can be turned to opportunity when properly managed or resolved. A case study of Union Bank of Nigeria Plc has been chosen for this research work. The work is divided into live chapters starting from chapter one which present the historical background of the case study, the significance, statement of the problems, statement of hypothesis purpose of the study etc. chapter two consists of the literature review by authors in relation to the subject under study. While chapter three introduced the methodology used in this research work, the techniques in data collection considering the population under study. Chapter four shows how data collected area analyzed and presented using simple table and percentage rating to draw conclusion on the variables investigated. At the end, chapter five gives the summary, conclusion and recommendation of the general study. Some suggestions were prescribed to follow for improvement of workers performance in a given organization. conflict management