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- Pages: 75
- Price: N 3,000
- Chapters: 1-5
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1.1 Background of the study
Motivation are Crucial Ingredients to long term growth of every educational system around the word cololube, 2005 it is a general agreement that teachers constitute the pivot of any school system deducing keddin’s definition in lole, (1990: 1014) effectiveness is the extent to which a teacher achieves and made the imput requirement of his position assuming that the output have been identified and made measurable as a matter of fact, many teachers cannot easily develop self- efficient within educational setting because of lack job motivation.
Motivation is concerned with why people do or refrain from doing things. Job satisfaction is the basic catalyst of motivation in the educational system and perhaps, can be viewed in the same platform with professional knowledge, educational resources and strategies in the advancement of educational goals and objective. Motivation to work are very essential in the working behaviour of teachers. These essentials form the fundamental driving force in their working ability of the government and related agencies to meet the teachers need so as to improve their teaching performance and productivity perhaps they assumed that teachers reward are in heaven.
Government position concerning the job performance of the teachers is yet another problem. Teacher are accused of negligence laziness, purposeful lethargy, inefficiency and lack of commitment to work in the other hand government further argue that teachers level of efficiency and effectiveness does not necessitate or justifies the constant request for salary increase, incentives are not comparatively proportional to their needs in as much as other sectors of the economy have better and working conditions and teachers also argue that the salaries and jumbo salary package which a good number of them put less to the man power developmental sector of the economy. They felt Nigerian’s economy is not properly balanced to term down the tide of their demand for motivation
Adams (1963), in his equity theory of motivation calls for fair balance to be struck between teachers argument is in consonance with Adam’s theory, these theory reveals that a fair balance services to ensure a strong and productive relationship with the employee. Ololube (2005) posits that the theory is built on the belief that employees become de-demotivate, both in relation to their jobs and their inputs are greater than outputs.
The background of this study therefore focuses on the key determinants on motivation among secondary school teachers in Abak Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State and the country in general which include the impact of working and living conditions on teacher’s morale, and levels of teacher’s salaries and benefits. Olulube, (2014) assumes that “a satisfied worker is invariably an efficient employer”
1.2 Statement of the Problems
Undoubtedly, teachers role to the development of the nationals education system remain crucial and paramount. Regrettably, teachers over the years have cried loud and clear against poor motivation which of course brings about negative job satisfaction, poor productivity and performance.
These problems have been attributed to several factor include better salary package, leadership style, fringe, benefits career advancement, vocational intents, teachers development and general working condition. The absence of these determinant factors brings about negative effect on secondary school teachers in Abak local government Area.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
Having stated the problems to be investigated in the study, it becomes imperative to state the purpose of the study as follows:
1) To investigate the effect of motivation on teacher’s performance in secondary schools in Abak Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom state.
2) It also intend to evaluate the present level of teachers motivation in Abak local government area on the general standard of learning process among selected secondary schools within the local government area.
3) To find variables means of improving the system and the study also.
4) To determine and explain job satisfaction and teachers motivation in relation to the job.
5) To be able to meet teachers need satisfaction so as to raise fallen standard of education. This study will provide useful supposition on ways of raising fallen standard of education.
1.4 Significance of the study
This study will be of immense significance to both the government and private education school proprietors an attempt has been made by highlighting factors that determine high morale of teachers towards job performance and effectiveness.
1) Most significantly, the findings of this study will be of benefit to education planners, policy formulators, educators, academic and human resources development.
2) Why money can never be ignored as a motivator
3) How increased awareness and the use of decision making in organization can serve as a means of recognition.
4) The study also helps the leader to know why some worker work harder than other in an attempt to satisfy their needs.
5) It helps the reader to know the different levels of motivation with difference in performance.
1.5 Research Questions
In an attempt to achieve the purpose of the study, the following questions are hereby presented:
1. Has remuneration any effect on teacher’s performance?
2. Does professional misconduct effect teaches morale toward job performance?
3. Does gender difference affect teacher’s job performance?
4. Does work environment affect teachers job performance
5. Does the principal’s leadership style affect the teacher’s job performance
1.6 Research Hypotheses
1 There is no significant effect of remuneration on teacher’s performance.
2 Professional misconduct does not significantly affect teacher’s morale towards job performance.
3 Gender difference does not significantly affect teacher’s job performance.
4 There is no significant relationship between work environment and teachers job performance
5 There is no significant effect of head teacher’s leadership style on teacher’s job.
1.7 Scope of the Study
Motivation has been defined and described as that which concerns with why people do or refrain from doing things. This project wants to implore on effect of motivation on teachers performance in secondary schools in Abak Local government as area of the study.
Generally, the research exploring teacher’s motivational issues in Nigerian shows the teachers are poorly motivated and area dissatisfied with their working condition this study will limit itself with the following key reasons:
Low wages when compared with other professionals, low status in the societies mass promotion of teaches governance and regulation, teachers attribution, teaching load professional misconduct, teacher absenteeism and time-keeping satisfaction such as remuneration, gender difference, professional conduct working condition leadership style.
1.8 Limitation of the Study
In carrying out this research encountered some difficulties such as the limited time given for the completion and submission of this project. This task of meeting the target population drawn from some selected secondary schools in Abak to distribute the questionnaire and collecting same from them was quite difficult. It was an enormous task to source for textbooks, journals and publications on the subject matter of this work.
Financial constrain was a problems during contacts with the teachers as well as the productivity of this work submission.
1.9 Delimitation of the Study
The thematic foundation of this research study rests on the need-based approach or content theory of motivation of the classical work of Maslow & Herberg. Etal as well as other scholars. The geographical limit covers only Abak local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. There is need for the government to affect efficiency and effectiveness in teaching service through man power development and training as well as improve pay package for teachers. Above all since money is a motivator itself, all teachers in government employ should be well remunerated to improve efficiency. The work situation should also be improved as a means of having satisfaction and self-esteem.
1.10 Operational Definition of Terms
Motivation: Motivation is the incentives used by management to attract workers to an organizational and mental stimulation that is created within workers in an organization and the desiring to achieve certain result.
Job performance: According to Lawler and Porter’s the levels of performance, which may be casual, factor in job satisfaction, with intrinsic and extrinsic rewards as reinforcing variables.
Effectiveness: it refers to the degree to which a given goal or multiple goals are achieved.
Job satisfaction: it is the prestige one derive from performing a task or job.
Theory: A formal set of idea that are intended to explain why something happens or exist
Productivity: Its is the rate at which goods are produce and the amount produce compared to the work, time and money need to produce them Remuneration: this is the monetary compensation an employee receives of the work done.