- Format: Ms Word Document
- Pages: 78
- Price: N 3,000
- Chapters: 1-5
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This project is an attempted to study and analyze The Impact of Training and Development on Staff Efficiency of First Banks Nigeria Plc Kaduna. Hence the objectives of this study is to find the way forward for first bank to improve on the suitable and how to acquired standard training facilities which is pointed out in the introduction of the project. The research method used in the collection of data is the questionnaire. Further more, the data collected is presented simultaneously in tabular form and analysis of finding is also made. Base on the findings it was ascertained that the staff of First Bank are far better in term of skill and management of risk than other banks. It was therefore recommended that First bank should engage the service of professional personnel in handling the activities of staff Development programme as well as encourage less inter interference by the top management with department of Human Resources on staff efficiency.